پاکستان - سیاست اور نظامِ حکومت
آئیے ایک نظر گزشتہ چند برسوں کے پاکستان پر ڈالیں اور کوشش کریں کہ آنے والے دنوں کے لیے ایک بے لاگ اور حقیقت پسندانہ پیش بینی کریں۔ اگرچہ اس کے لیے ہمیں کئی شعبوں کا احاطہ کرنا پڑے گا لیکن سب سے پہلے سیاست اور نظام حکومت کو لے لیجئے کیونکہ باقی تمام تر شعبوں میں انفرادی اور اجتماعی کارکردگی کسی نہ کسی طرح ان سے منسلک ہوتی ہے۔
The vote for America’s soul
By Fawad Hasan Fawad
(The Friday Times – 9th October, 2020)
Listening to the first US Presidential debate last week, I could not stop thinking about the leadership crisis the world faces today in the midst of one of the most challenging periods of modern human history. Much that one would hesitate to say this, both the mannerism, contents and quality of the debate felt just like home — knowing that in less than a month, one of these gentlemen will be the most powerful elected leaders in the universe was virtually frightening.
Afghanistan: Prospects for Peace
By Fawad Hasan Fawad
(The Friday Times – 26th September, 2020)
Just four months after starting the war on terror, US Secretary of State Donald Rumsfeld wrote on an internal review file: “I know I am a bit impatient. But the fact that Iran and Russia have plans for Afghanistan and we do not concerns me.” As the Americans pack their bags to move out of Afghanistan for the second time in three decades, I wonder if someone else sitting in the State Department or even the Pentagon is murmuring the same words.
Afghanistan 2019: Preparing for Change
By Fawad Hasan Fawad
A little over 17 years after forcing its way into Afghanistan in the name of the “War on Terror” (WoT), the Americans are looking for a quick way out. Not surprisingly though, even the exit needs to be orchestrated exactly on their terms. The garb of coercive messenger is being worn this time by Zalmay Khalilzad — who in his recent visits to various capitals, including Islamabad, is pushing a stance not much different from what Richard Armitage took at his time: “you are either with us or against us”.